| ![]() MIL-M-70778 (AR)
When weighing in water, use distilled water containing a
suitable wetting agent, e.g. "Aerosol" (1cc per 250cc
distilled water) .
4.5.4 Functioning output. The acceptor lead assemblies shall
be assembled into a plastic holder and placed with the end of the
assembly in contact with a witness plate of material and thickness
as specified in 3.3. The acceptor lead assembly shall be
initiated by an M100 electric detonator. The detonator shall be
initiated by applying the energy from a suitable power source
(e.g. 100 microfarad capacitor charged to 1.6 volts maximum or 6
volt battery) . The depth of the depression in the witness plate
shall be determined using a dial indicator with a .015 + .001 inch
spherical radius indicator tip.
4.5.5 Conditioning and functioning. Preparation of samples. Each acceptor lead assembly
to be subjected to the functioning test shall be assembled into a
slider assembly as per 9366684. This assembly shall then be
assembled into a S&A as per 9366668. The slider shall be
assembled as to be "in line" with the centerline of detonator hole
of housing to be off .045 - . 005 inch from centerline of acceptor
lead of slider. Assembly of the piston actuator and the safety
pin shall be omitted. An electric detonator M100 (Dwg. 9245691)
shall be shorted and assembled with seal washer into the input
hole of the S&A assembly. A successful test shall constitute test
shall consist of firing the detonator propagation thru the
acceptor lead assembly igniting the transfer lead assembly and
into the lead cup assembly.
A similar test plan could be formulated by the contractor
providing that acceptance of the test method is approved prior to
testing by the government agency. Hot conditioning. The acceptor lead assemblies to be
conditioned and functioned at hot temperature shall be prepared as
specified in They shall then be placed in a suitable
temperature conditioning box and the temperature increased to 165
+ 5F with relative humidity not less than 15%. The rate of
temperature increase shall not exceed 18F per minute. The
samples shall be maintained at temperature for forty (40) hours
The temperature in the oven shall then be reduced to 125
5F and the assemblies shall be conditioned at temperature for
two (2) hours minimum. The assemblies shall then be removed from
the oven and functioned as specified in Set-up time
between removal from the oven and firing shall be five (5) minutes
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