| ![]() MIL-M-70779 (AR)
4.4.3 Testing. Testing is described in the First Article and
Quality Conformance Inspection Tables. Lot acceptance testing. Eighteen (18) - QTY Demo per
lot shall be used for lot acceptance testing. The rounds shall be
conditioned and tested as follows: Mine test distribution. Each test lot of munitions
shall be divided so that approximately one-third (1/3) of the
mines are tested for anti-disturbance, one-third (1/3) of the
mines are tested for breakwire and one-third (1/3) of the mines
are tested for self-destruct. Self-destruct functioning. The lot shall be rejected
if any of the self-destruct functions exceed any of the defect
quantities as follows:
Safe duds:
Early outs:
(3%) Anti-disturbance functioning. Mines designated for
anti-disturbance testing shall be tested for the specified
criteria in accordance with Also, mines-failing to
function during the first breakwire function attempt in accordance
with and subsequently tested for anti-disturbance
functioning test observed providing the sample is not classed as a
safe dud. The results of mines undergoing a second breakwire
function attempt shall be for information only and not included in
lot acceptance.
The lot shall be rejected if more than 6% of the mines tested
for anti-disturbance functioning are classed defective. Breakwire functioing. Mines designated for breakwire
testing shall be tested for the specified breakwire criteria in
accordance with Also, mines failing to function in the
anti-disturbance mode in accordance with shall be tested
for breakwire functioning in accordance with Mines
which fail to deploy any triplines are to be scored as a no test
for breakwire mode and deleted from the sample.
Mines either functioning or failing to function on the first
breakwire attempt shall be included in the number of breakwire
functioning test observed providing the sample is not classed as a
safe dud.
The results of mines underdoing a second breakwire attempt
shall be recorded for informational purposes only.
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