| ![]() MIL-M-70821 (AR)
Place of inspection and test.
Levels of packaging required (see 5).
Air conditioning for assembly (see 6.3) .
6.2.2 Data requirements. When this specification in sused in
an acquisition which incorporate a DD Form 1423, contract Data
Requirement List (CDRL), the data requirements identified below
shall be developed as specified by an approved Data Item
Description (DD Form 1664) and delivered in accordance with the
approved CDRL incorporate into the contract. When the provisions
of DOD Far Supplement Part 27, Sub-Part 27.410-6 (DD Form 1423)
are invoked, and the DD Form 1423 is not used, the data specified
below shall be delivered by the contractor in accordance with the
contract or purchase order requirements. Deliverable data
required by this specification is cited in the following
Applicable DID
Paraqraph No.
Quality Inspection
4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.6.3
Test Demonstration
and Evaluation Rpt.
6.3 Assembly areas. Assembly areas, special provisions, and
equipment should be provided by the contractor. The assembly area
should be air conditioned using an air conditioning unit with a 50
micron filter. The area temperature should be maintained between
68 and 72F. The air flow rate per cubic inch per minute
should be such as to maintain area air pressure at between .75 and
1.5 inches of water. Relative humidity should not exceed 40-50
percent. Areas should be clean and free of dust, lint, and
abrasive materials that may become entrapped in the assembled
mechanisms. No grinding, filling, scraping, or any operation
producing abrasive dust should be performed in the assembly area.
6.4 Functional firing. Information regarding the artillery
simulator, see available from the Commanding Officer,
Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, IL 61299-6000.
6.5 Hydraulic leakaqe. The quantity of gun mount hydraulic
fluid leakage cannot be precisely measured, therefore the
judgement and experience of the inspector will be relied upon for
capliance with the criteria of 3.4.5. One milliliter of
hydraulic fluid is composed of approximately 25 drops.
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