| ![]() MIL-M-81260A(AS)
g. Hoisting. - Instructions for hoisting the complete air-
craft sections by means of hoisting slings. Hoisting points and attachment of
slings shall be illustrated. Information for hoisting aircraft in empty or loaded
condition, crane capacities required, hoisting conditions, guidelines, safety
precautions, etc.
h. Leveling. - Instructions for leveling the aircraft, in-
cluding location of leveling lugs, reference points, and method of access.
Protective Covers. - Description and illustrations for
the use of protective covers for aircraft under varied conditions.
j . Ground Safety Locks and Pins. - Instructions speci-
fying the ground safety locks required, their location, type, and method of
operation. Precautionary measures shall be included as appropriate, including
installation of safety devices for personnel escape systems, explosive or other
devices for ejection of external attachments from the aircraft, etc.
k. Preparation for Catapulting. - When applicable, instruc-
tions and procedures shall be provided for catapulting preparations, including
final visual checking of doors for security, chock removal, nose gear extension,
l. Arrested Landing Operation. - Instructions shall be
provided for both land and carrier operations, listing any maintenance proce-
dures that must be performed before and after arrested landings.
m. Carrier Deck Handling. - Instructions shall be provided
for unique handling procedures of the aircraft aboard carriers, including
spotting, spotting tolerances, etc, as applicable.
Servicing , - Instructions shall be provided for replenish-
ment of fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid, other fluids, oxygen, tire and landing gear
strut pressures required for complete servicing of the aircraft. Information
shall be concise and presented in tabular or chart form to the extent practical.
The table or chart shall include tank and reservoir capacities in US, Imperial,
and metric measures and shall specify AN or other Government specification
number(s) and grade(s) (as applicable) for fuel, oil, fluids, and other materials
used. Specifications and grades shall be grouped to facilitate change or revi-
sion. Fuel and oil expansion volume, total capacity, sump capacity, and net
capacity (as applicable) for each tank shall be given. Fuel and oil capacities
shall not only be given in volume but also by weight.
a. The instructions shall clearly identify all precautions
to be observed when servicing a particular tank, reservoir, etc, such as
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