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System Integrated Maintenance Information. - The system
integration information shall cover organizational maintenance information to
identify or locate a malfunction occurring between aircraft systems during inte-
grated system operation.
Introduction. - An introduction prepared in accordance
with MIL-M-38784, shall be provided.
GSE. - The introduction shall also identify and establish
the relationship of authorized GSE with the scope of system integrated main-
tenance. Information contained in separate GSE manuals shall not be repeated
except as specifically required for continuity of purpose. Such separate GSE
manuals shall be referenced herefrom.
GSE Maintenance. - When appropriate, information shall
be provided in accordance with 3.3.2.
System Integrated Maintenance. - This coverage shall con-
tain a description of the integrated systems. Text and illustrations shall contain
basic information required to identify and locate integrated system malfunctions.
The information furnished shall be based on the premise that each system has
met the minimum performance standards required for the system operational
checkout in the aircraft.
System Interconnected Functions. - This coverage shall also
define the purpose of the system and its use, tabulate components comprising
the system, and present operational theory pertinent to interconnect functions.
Aircraft Functional Checkout Procedures. - Specific pro-
cedures for testing the interconnected functions of the aircraft systems, and for
troubleshooting when a malfunction is indicated during checkout shall be included.
Flight line adjustments will be presented except where such adjustments are
presented in another manual; in such event the applicable manual shall be ref-
Aircraft System Trouble Analysis. - Information required
to isolate flight squawks to the defective system shall be included.
System Checkout. - System checkout shall provide proce-
dures required to determine that integrated systems meet operational perfor-
mance standards. Procedures shall be keyed to simplified schematics and
functional loops.
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