| ![]() MIL-M-81260A(AS)
(or "will be" whichever is applicable) listed in Section (identify by number)
by difference data sheets. Instructions for models included in the difference data
sheets section are the same as the procedures given in Sections (identify by
number), except for the specific differences noted by the applicable difference
data sheets.
A table of leading particulars shall be included to provide
information of the following type: minimum, maximum and mean operating
voltage, current and temperature; capacity, length of stroke, operating pres-
sure and displacement; duty cycle; uncrated weight and dimensions and air
shipment weight by major assemblies etc, applicable to the model covered.
Preservation Requirements. - Procedures and prescribed
materials to be used by intermediate level maintenance activities for proper
preservation of components/equipment for temporary through long term storage
shall be provided. Information shall be specific for the component/equipment
involved and shall be compatible with, but shall not duplicate, information con-
tained in general preservation manuals.
Preparation for Installation, Use, Storage and Shipment.
Installation and Use. - This coverage shall describe all
work required to make the component/equipment ready for installation and use
including any precautions to be observed.
Shipment. - This coverage shall give any special instructions
or precautions relative to corrosion prevention or other storage procedures
which are peculiar to the component/equipment.
Shipment. - Coverage shall give any special instructions or
precautions relative to protective packing and handling which are peculiar to
the component/equipment. Detailed packaging instructions, such as box con-
structions, are not required.
Difference Data Sheets. - Difference data sheets shall be
prepared for each additional model or part and shall specify, in the briefest
practical form, the difference in maintenance procedures from those covering
the representative model or part. The representative model or part covered
in the manual may be changed, provided the total number of difference data
sheets is reduced and the most economical/usable presentation results. The
aggregate number of difference data sheets for any model or part shall not
exceed five percent of the number of pages of the parent section of the manual.
Difference data sheets shall form the last section of the manual.
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