| ![]() MIL-M-81392(AS) Protect all explosive operations from effects of
electric current originating from equipment such as soldering
irons, heaters, Switches, wiring, motors, lights, tests instru-
ments, etc., by suitable insulation, grounding separation or
shielding. Such eleotric sources may initiate explosives by
heat, sparks, arcs, or due to completing an electric circuit
through an electric primer, detonator, or squib, Circuits may
be inadvertently completed, for example, from a defective
electric soldering iron through a grounded contact. All
electric type primers, detonators or squibs provided with
wire leads should have the free ends of the wires bared and
twisted together to short circuit each unit, except when in
process of' assembly into a finished item. Where
removable short circuiting clips, or other devices should be
employed during manufacturing operations involving electric
primers, detonators or squibs. Enforce where necessary, the wearing Of suitable
safety footwear, gloves, goggles, respirators, and impregnated
garments to protect personnel against burns, poisoning and
associated industrial hazard. Allow no fires or exposed electrical or other spark-
ing equipment, and little or no flammable material to be present
in loading, handling and storage spaces. Enforce proper "Match"
and "No Smoking" rules where necessay. Enforce good housekeeping and maintain effective
policing, inspection and supervisory methods throughout the
loading area and surroundings, Employ effective cleaning methods
periodically to minimize the accumulation of explosives or dust
and other contamination upon, and assure its removal from floors,
walls , ceilings, ledges, tables, benches, piping, and equipment
or the items loaded; also, clean up any spilled material immedi-
Notice. When Government drawings, specifications, or other
data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a
definitely related Government procurement operation, the U.S.
Government thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation
whatsoever; and the fact that the Government may have formulated,
furnished, or In any way specified the said drawings, specifica-
tions, or other data is not to be regarded by implication or
otherwise as in any manner licensing the holder or any other
person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permissions
to manufacture, use, or sell any patented Invention that may
in any way be related thereto.
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