| ![]() MIL-M-82376B
corrective action needed to remedy the malfunction. Only those
malfunctions shall be listed which require several steps of testing
or inspection before the cause of the malfunction can be determined
for corrective action or referral to a higher level of maintenance.
Exclude those malfunctions for which the cause and correction are
obvious by visual inspection (e.g. , flat tire, broken glass, etc.).
Malfunctions for which the only possible corrective action is
referral to a higher level of maintenance shall not be listed.
Tests and inspections shall be listed in logical sequence for each
malfunction listed. The test and inspection shall be complete so
as to ensure that the malfunction can be isolated and verified.
Corrective action shall be shown only when pertinent to the
maintenance level included in the manual. When corrective action
is required by a higher level of maintenance, the statement,
"Notify higher maintenance" shall be placed under the "Corrective
Action" column.
Use of references shall be kept to a minimum. Procedures for tests
or inspections and corrective actions shall be duplicated in the
troubleshooting chart rather than referencing paragraphs within the
manual or other manuals, providing that the information does not
exceed 120 words, or 10 lines, whichever is more. If references
are necessary, paragraph, table, figure, or TM numbers shall be
used to reference procedures or illustrations required to
accomplish tests, inspections, or corrective actions. Paragraphs
or illustrations within the same manual will be referenced by
paragraph or figure number only; those in another publication shall
be referenced by publication number and name of equipment (basic
noun and model or type number of equipment. Example: TM
X-XXXX-XX, Truck, M151). Reference to another publication shall
include paragraph, figure, or table number.
The troubleshooting procedures shall be indexed as a part of the
total manual; a separate index shall not be prepared exclusively
for the troubleshooting portion of the manual. In manuals
containing less than 50 paragraphs, the long form table of contents
shall list the troubleshooting procedures as a portion of the
manual. When preparing the index for a manual with over 50
paragraphs, care must be taken to include entries for assemblies,
subassemblies, systems, etc. , listed in the troubleshooting
procedures for which users are likely to look. Section VI - Maintenance of (insert name or component or
assembly). Section VI and any subsequent sections shall contain the
maintenance procedures. Only those illustrations which are essential for
clarity shall be included. Each component shall be described in its own
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