| MIL-M-82376B
A list of malfunctions that can be introduced.
A description of the operating (hardware and software) parameters
of the simulated system, environment, etc.
Personnel aspects (e.g background, prerequisites, physical
requirements) to be considered for the instructors and or students
being trained by use of the simulation equipment.
40.1.4 Section III - Simulation equipment operating Procedures. This
section shall provide complete step-by-step standard operating procedures
prepared in such a manner that it can be reproduced in its entirety as
operating instructions, separate from other parts of the Training Exercise and
Equipment Utilization. It shall make no reference to other parts of the
handbook. Classified information shall be included only if necessary for
complete operating instruction coverage. This section shall have five parts:
Performance characteristics - A summary of the configuration and
performance characteristics of the simulation equipment shall be
presented. This shall include the performance limits of the
system, environmental factors, and targets or other operational
equipment being simulated by the simulation equipment.
Functional description - A description of the simulation equipment
instructor controls and displays used for training, and a
description of the student station(s) and their controls and
displays shall be provided, Each control and display shall be
keyed to a picture of the actual equipment to provide easy
identification of the items. A functional description of each
control and display shall be provided. Controls and displays shall
be covered as related groups or major panels/sections. The
functional description of each simulation equipment control and
display shall depict the status or malfunction of a particular
system or equipment, and a detailed description provided beside
each indicator as to what is being and what is not being depicted,
affected, displayed, or is exclusive or other indicators and
Operational instructions - Complete step-by-step instruction shall
be listed which provide:
(1) Simulation equipment preparation considerations/assumptions.
(2) Procedures for placing the simulation equipment in a
power-on/turn-on condition.
(3) Procedures for checking the simulation equipment to ensure
that it is operating properly.
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