| ![]() MIL-M-82433A(OS) Speed at overload. The output saft speed in either direc-
tion at an overload of 300 f6 inch-ounces, with 38 volts applied and with
the motor initially at room temperature (65-95 degrees F), shall be greater
than 50 percent of the average no-load speed ( Stall current. The design stall current at room temperature
with 38 volts input shall not exceed 3.0 amperes. Motor Stability. The motor shall be capable of repeated sudden
reversals of direction of rotation ("plugging") at maximum input voltage
(41 vdc ) without deterioration of the permanent magnet field. This shall
be indicated by stability of the no-load speed of the motor, before and
after a series of instantaneous reversals of polarity of the input voltage. Motor Time Constant. Under no-load condition, at room tempera-
ture, and with 38 volts step input, the motor time constant for either
direction of rotation shall not exceed 12 milliseconds. The time constant
is defined as the time required for the motor to accelerate from rest to
63 percent of final speed after application of a step voltage input. Shaft rotation and terminal marking. One input terminal or lead
shall be marked (+) and/or color coded red in such a way that with posi-
tive voltage applied at this connection the output shaft rotation shall
be in the counterclockwise direction when looking at the shaft end of the
motor. Insulation resistance. The resistance between the motor cir-
cuit and the motor frame shall exceed 100 megohms when tested at 200 vdc
3.3.3 Duty cycle. The duty cycle shall consist of 10 minutes operat-
ing time followed by a minimum of 30 minutes nonoperating time. The fol-
lowing conditions shall exist during the operating time: the motor is
energized by a reversing waveform approximating a square wave at 5.00
0.25 Hertz (Hz) at 38 + 0-2.0 volts line-to-line. The waveform shall have
a reversing time of less than 100 microseconds. Load applied to the out-
put shaft shall increase linearly with angular rotation in each direction
from the null position at a rate of 2.0 0.2 ounce-inches per degree.
The null position is defined as the point of zero load, or where the load
changes direction. The ambient temperature may be at any temperature
within the operating range O to 200 degrees F.
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