| ![]() MIL-M-87977(USAF)
the aircraft tail end. Double bumpers shall also be installed on the B-52G saddle
contour adapter specified in paragraph 3.4. l.l.b. The double bumpers shall cover
tail end contour cut-out and extend at least six inches on each side beyond full
tail radius. The double bumpers shall be stiffened to prevent kinking and to serve
as a stop against the aircraft tail.
c. Both floor rear end bumpers will be tapered as they approach the bevel
corners. The upper level folding door bumper will also taper on the bevel corner.
3.4.10 Stairs & Handrails. Stairs and handrails shall be provided as part of
the maintenance platform, Design shall conform to the requirements of MIL-STD-1472,
using the recommended values, except the stair width shall be 24 inches. Each step
on the stairs must be bolted into place to permit easy replacement. The main stairs
shall be located on the front of maintenance platform positioned to give access to
the upper level and further positioned so that the B-52H cannon extending through
the forward face of the stand does not interfere with safe use of the stairway. A
24 by 30 inch landing shall be provided at the top of the stairs. A ladder shall be
provided to give access from upper to lower levels when the folding floor panel is
opened . Reference paragraph 3.4. l.l.g.
3.4.11 Chain Hoist. A Chain Hoist shall be installed on the maintenance platform
upper floor level left hand side. The chain hoist shall be mounted on an overhead
monorail , The chain hoist shall have a 500 pound lift capacity and a 5 to 1
retrieve ratio.
3.4. 11.1 Hoist Performance. The hoist shall safety and efficiently raise the
dragchute pack from the ground, over the handrails, and to the aircraft dragchute
cannister centerline fuselage station 1868, The dragchute pack is rectangular
shaped 24 X 24 X 36 inches long. The dragchute is raised along its long side by
attaching hoist slip hooks to the dragchute opposite side laces,
3.4, 11.2 Chain Hoist Brake. A mechanical brake shall automatically stop and hold
the load upon release of the chain, whether the release is intentional or
accidental. There shall be no interference owing to the mechanical brake, such as
binding, slipping, and jerky action.
3.4. 11.3 Chain Hoist Manual Operation. The chain hoist shall operate manually by
one Person and be capable of raising or lowering the 250 pound dragchute load a
minimum distance of 268 inches from the ground. The hoist shall have a capacity of
500 pounds. The effort to raise and lower the capacity load shall not exceed 40
pounds. The hoist shall be operational from within the upper floor without
interference or adjustments throughout its full traveling range.
3.4. 11.4 Hoist Installation. The hoist supporting structures shall have enough
overhead clearance for working personnel, shall not intrude into the work area, and
shall provide enough overhand to prevent dragchute pack from snagging to platform
side resulting from the vertical twisting of the dragchute pack. Provisions shall
be made to stow the monorail inside the envelope of the platform during towing and
when the platform is not in use.
3.4. 11.5 Hoist Chain Hooks. The chain end shall terminate in a fitting to which
four chains are attached. The four chains shall be welded steel (weight to keep
unloaded line taut) 18 inches long with slip hooks on the loading ends.
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