| ![]() MIL-M-87977 (USAF)
In place of the intermittent winds, an
stability requirements specified in 3.5. l.a.
If so, it shall be applied alternately to both
equivalent force method may be used.
sides of the maintenance platform, at a right angle to the longitudinal axis. For
equivalent force method, air resistance shall be computed by the formula: Air
(Force) equals coefficient drag, times air velocity squared in feet per second,
times air
velocity squared in feet per second, times density in slugs per cubic foot, times
area in
square feet, times one-half. The force shall be aplied at the centroid of the
platform. The coefficient of drag shall be 1.17. Top Platform Side Loading Test. With the top platform loaded as
specified in 3.5. l.b, the maintenance platform shall meet the requirements as
statedin 3.5. l.b.
4,6.4 Loading Tests.
a. Concentrated Load. The maintenance platform shall be subjected to the
static loading and meet the requirements as specified in 3.5.2.
b. Steps Proof Test Load. The steps shall be subjected to the proof loading
and meet the requirments as specified in 3.5,3.
c. Proof Load. The maintenance platform shall be subjected to the loading
and meet the requirements as specified in 3.5.4.
4.6.5 Maintainability Evaluation. The maintenance platform shall be inspected,
and evaluated from the standpoint of ease of maintenance, servicing and operation.
Particular attention shall be given maintenance with a minimum number of common
tools, servicing and operation by personnel wearing heavy gloves, and provisions
made to prevent accumulation of dirt, snow, ice, and anything that may hinder
servicing and operation.
4.6.6 Compatability and Reliability Testing (USAF) . After successful completion
of all previous tests, the maintenance platform shall be delivered to the USAF for
compatability and reliability testing (see 6.1) , for a period of 30 days. Although
tests are conducted by the USAF, the maintenance platform manufacturer is
responsible for assuring the testing activity is provided proper platform erection
instructions and maintenance of the equipment, and for maintaining surveillance with
that activity in the event problems should arise. Results of this testing shall be
obtained from the USAF by the contractor and form a part of the test report. Should
problems with the maintenance platform become apparent during this testing, where
problems are due to non-compliance with the requirements of this purchase
description the contractor shall be responsible for taking the necessary corrective
action without additional cost to the USAF, Delivery to and from the USAF testing
activity shall be contractor responsibility. Test location shall be specified by the
USAF (see 6.2).
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