| MIL-N-81207A(AS)
Preproduction - This specification makes
provision for preproduction testing.
Parts and Materials - In the selection of parts
and materials, fulfillment of major design objectives shall be the
prime consideration. In so doing, the following shall govern:
Microelectronic technology shall be
considered and microelectronic items shall
conform to requirements specified herein.
other parts and materials requirements
shall conform to Specification MIL-E-5400.
Nonrepairable subassemblies shall be used
in accordance with Specification AR-10 and
as outlined in Specification MIL-E-5400.
When previously produced models of this
equipment did not use nonrepairalble
subassemblies, the design shall not be
changed to employ nonrepairable assemblies
without the approval of the procuring
Repairable subassemblies shall not use
greases to seal them or to reduce internal
arcing. Such sealing shall be by O-rings
or other devices not subject to
contamination by dust and grit.
Plug-in subassemblies shall be so designed
as to preclude improper interchange or
Nonstandard Parts and Materials Approval -
Approval for the use of nonstandard parts and materials (including
electron tubes, transistors and diodes) other than microelectronic
devices shall be obtained as outlined in Specification MIL-E-5400.
Microelectronic devices shall be approved as outlined in AR-5.
Microelectronic Modular Assemblies - When used,
Microelectronic Modular Assembl ies shall meet the requirements of
Specification AR-5. Conformal coatings, encapsulant, embedments
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