| MIL-N-81207A(AS)
Controls - The Receiver-Transmitter shall
contain the following controls:
Two screwdriver adjustments marked CTR and
WD shall be provided on the front panel of
the Receiver-Transmitter for adjusting the
course deviation.
A pushbutton switch marked BIT shall be
provided to initiate interruptive self
A pushbutton switch marked TEMP shall be
provided to reset the over temperature
Indicators - The Receiver-Transmitter shall
contain the following indicators:
(1) Over Temperature - A manually resettable
latching fault type indicator marked TEMP
shall be provided to indicate that the
internal equipment temperature exceeds
component critical levels.
(2) Fault Location - Four magnetic latching
FAULT indicators marked RT, ANT, CONT, and
CONV shall be provided to indicate a
malfunction to the faulty WRA.
Electrical Connections - Electrical connections
shall be as shown in Figure 3.
Modulation Characteristics - Modulation
characteristics shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-291 except as
modified herein.
Long Pulse Rise and Fall Time - The time
required for the leading edge to rise from 10 to 90 percent of its
maximum voltage amplitude shall be 2.5 0.10 microseconds.
Correspondingly, the fall time shall be 2.7 0.30 microseconds.
Pulse Coding (X Mode Channels) - The
transmitted interrogating pulse will be coded in pairs with a
spacing which shall be 12.0 0.10 microseconds as measured at the
50 percent maximum voltage amplitude points from the leading edge
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