| MIL-N-81497A(AS)
Preproduction - This specification makes provision
for preproduction testing.
Parts and Materials - In the selection of parts and
materials~ fulfillment of major design objectives shall be the prime
In so doing the following shall govern:
(1) Microelectronic technology shall be considered and
microelectronic items shall conform to the require-
ments specified herein.
(2) Other parts and materials requirements shall
conform to MIL-E-5400.
(3) Non-repairable subassemblies, as outlined in
MIL-E-5400, shall be used when practicable.
The general size of the subassembly and the
amount of circuitry to be included therein
shall be approved by the procuring activity.
Non-repairable subassemblies must be reliable
(See 6.4).
(4) When previously produced models of this equipment
did not use non-repairable subassemblies, the
design shall not be changed to employ non-repairable
subassemblies without the approval of the procuring
Nonstandard Parts and Materials Approval - Approval
for the use of non-standard parts and materials (including electron
tubes, transistors, and diodes) other than micro-electronic devices
shall be obtained as outlined in MIL-E-5400. Microelectronic devices
shall be approved as outlined in AR-5.
Microelectronic Module Assemblies - When used, micro-
electronic modular assemblies shall meet the requirements of AR-5.
Modules, Maintenance - The electronic portions of the
equipment shall be divided into maintenance modules. Maintenance
modules shall normally be considered repairable.
Design and Construction - The equipment shall conform
with all the applicable requirements of MIL-E-5400 for design, con-
struction, and workmanship, except as otherwise specified herein.
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