| ![]() MIL-N-81497A(AS)
Mode Changing - The equipment shall be designed to
provide the following capabilities for changing modes of operation.
(1) The equipment shall contain no manual
provisions for shutting the equipment off.
(2) The Self Test Submode shall only be
operable in the Standby Mode.
The equipment shall be designed to inhibit
inadvertent return to Standby Mode after
operating in any of the other modes.
(4) The equipment shall be capable of switching
to any mode after operation in another mode
without the loss of attitude data (except
Compass and Standby).
Submodes - The equipment shall contain the submodes
detailed herein.
Submode selection shall be controlled at the Control,
Gyroscope Assembly.
(1) Ground Alignment Submode - The Ground
Alignment Submode shall be provided for the
Inertial Mode to automatically perform those
operations necessary to align the accelerometer
axes of the Gyroscope Assembly to the proper
orientation with respect to local vertical and
True North. Visual indications of the operation
of this mode shall be made at both the Control,
Navigation and the Control, Gyroscope Assembly.
Upon completion of this operation the equipment
shall maintain its ground alignment operation un-
til the Navigate or Damping On Submode is select-
ed. During the Ground Alignment Submode cal-
culations of velocity and present position shall
not be made.
(2) Damping On Submode - The Damping On Submode
shall be provided for equipment operation in the
Inertial Mode and shall provide the following:
Inflight Alignment - The equipment shall be
capable of automatically performing those
operations necessary to align the accelero-
meter axes of the Gyroscope Assembly to the
proper orientation with respect to local
vertical and True North during flight through
the use of Doppler radar velocity input
data in this submode.
(b) Doppler - Damped Inertial Navigation Opera-
tion - The equipment shall be capable of
operating as a Doppler damped inertial
navigator using a Doppler radar as a precis-
ion velocity reference. Output functions
shall be the same as the Navigation Submode
with the addition of a Damping On output
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