| MIL-N-81497A(AS) (Continued)
1 ampere (resistive)
Current rating:
at 28 VDC.
During power interruptions, open circuit
condition shall exist.
Doppler Dumping Relay -
Closed contacts at Control, Gyroscope
Assembly whenever the equipment is
utilizing Doppler radar velocity data
for damping in the Damping On submode
in the Inertial Mode.
Current rating: 1 ampere resistive
at 28 VDC.
During power interruptions, open circuit
condition shall exist.
Synchro Outputs - The equipment shall provide
synchro output signals for the following functions:
Roll Attitude (2)
Pitch Attitude (2)
Magnetic Heading
True Heading
Magnetic Variation
Grid Heading
The characteristics of the output synchro
transmitters shall be in accordance with
Table III.
Excitation for the ML-1 shall
ML-1 Excitation -
be provided by the equipment.
(1) Excitation: 23.5V 2* percent, single
phase, 400 Hz, 1.5 VA.
*Based upon 26V, 400 Hz input to the equipment.
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