| MIL-N-81497A(AS)
Ground Alignment
Damping On
Self Test Pushbutton Switch - The Self Test push-
button switch provided shall be used to initiate the equipment's self
test submode when the Mode Selector switch on the Control, Navigation
is in the Standby Mode. Circuitry shall be included within the equip-
ment to inhibit self test operation when the Control, Navigation
Mode Selector is in a position other than Standby. The Self Test
switch shall initiate circuitry and Computer, Navigation programs
required to determine INS GO/NO-GO status and isolation of failure to
malfunctioning LRU.
Magnetic Variation Counter and Control - The Mag-
netic Variation Counter provided shall be manually set by the Magnetic
Variation knob.
Information shall be numeric data with a range of
180 DEG from East 90 DEG through 0 DEG to West 90 DEG readable in
increments of 0.1 DEG. The function of the magnetic variation counter
in each of the operational modes is as follows:
Not required
Used for initial coarse true heading
control of Gyroscope Assembly.
Generation of coarse true heading,
True Heading = Manually Inserted
Magnetic Variation plus Stabilized
Magnetic Heading"
Not required
Generation of coarse true heading,
True Heading = Manually Inserted
Magnetic Variation plus Unstabilized
Magnetic Heading
Magnetic Deviation Compensator - The magnetic heading
deviation compensator provided to compensate magnetic heading output
signals for magnetic anomalies shall be accessible from the front of
the Control, Gyroscope Assembly after removal of the front access plate.
The Compensator/Control, Gyroscope Assembly design shall permit removal
of the compensator from the unit and insertion of the compensator
within a replacement unit to permit utilization without requiring
readjustment. Characteristics of the compensator shall be as follows:
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