| MIL-N-81497A(AS)
Status Lamps - The Control, Gyroscope Assembly
shall contain 5 status lamps to visually indicate equipment status
the operator.
SYSTEM FAIL Lamp - The System Fail lamp shall
indicate INS failure. The lamp shall be
energized by a 4V DC control signal from the
Computer, Navigation.
ALIGN lamp - The Align lamp shall indicate
the equipment is in its Alignment Submode for
each of the operating modes of Inertial, Slave,
Free and Compass. Extinguishment of the lamp
shall be equivalent to the alignment complete
The lamp shall be energized by a
4V control signal from the Computer, Navigation.
2 MIN TO GO Lamp - The 2 Minutes To Go lamp shall
indicate that the Alignment Submode will be
completed in approximately 2 MIN of time.
The lamp shall be energized by a 4V DC control
signal from the Computer, Navigation.
BTRY IN USE Lamp - The Battery In Use lamp shall
indicate when the equipment is operating on
its internal battery. The lamp shall be
energized by a 4V DC control signal from the
Power Supply.
DOPP AVAIL Lamp - The Doppler Available lamp shall
indicate that the equipment has received a
Doppler available signal from the external
Doppler radar. The lamp shall be energized
by a 4V DC control signal from the Computer,
True Heading and Magnetic Heading Servo Mechanism -
The servo mechanism shall receive inertial heading information from
the Computer, Navigation and unstabilized magnetic heading from the
external ML-1 remote compass transmitter plus manual control signals
of magnetic variation and grid slew to generate the analog output signals
specified in and Magnetic deviation compensation
specified in shall be included.
Electrical Connectors - The electrical connectors
shall be:
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