| MIL-N-81497A(AS)
FIX/CANCEL Pushbutton and F/C Advisory Lamp - The
FIX/CANCEL pushbutton switch shall be used to accomplish a manual
delayed position fix within INS. Operation of the switch shall result
in the freezing of the Indicator, Position latitude-longitude displays
and the calculation of incremental position changes from the time of
FIX start. The updating of the present position coordinates to the
sum of the incremental distance plus newly inserted position coordinates
at the time of FIX initiation shall be accomplished upon the use of
the ENTER pushbutton. Depression of the FIX/CANCEL pushbutton a
second time shall be used to cancel a started position update (fix)
operation. The FIX/CANCEL advisory lamp shall indicate Computer,
Navigation acceptance of the FIX command and that position fix
operation is in process.
CLEAR Pushbutton - The CLEAR pushbutton switch shall
3.5.3. 5.5
be used to clear the latitude or longitude displays and is operative
after the LAT SET or LON SET switches are operated. This switch shall
be used to erase displayed data so that new data may be inserted using
the 10 digit keyboard.
Keyboard Pushbuttons - Latitude and Longitude data
shall be manually inserted into the Computer, Navigation for computa-
tions and displays on the Indicator, Position through a keyboard
consisting of 10 momentary pushbutton switches. The keyboard pushbuttons
shall indicate numeric data from 0 to 9 and alpha data of N, S, E and W.
Latitude/Longitude Display - Latitude and longitude
data shall be displayed using electromagnetic display devices. The
latitude display shall consist of numeric data up to 90 DEG (in DEG,
arc MIN, and tenths of arc MIN) and alpha North or South (N or S)
direction. The longitude display shall consist of numeric data up to
180 DEG (in DEG, arc MIN, and tenth's of arc MIN) and alpha East or
West (E or W) direction. The Indicator, Position shall be capable of
receiving and displaying updated data from the Computer, Navigation
at the rate of approximately once per 2 SEC. The Latitude/Longitude dis-
play need not be operative during the Slave, Free and Compass Modes of
Indicator, Position and Computer, Navigation Interface -
The Indicator, Position shall contain the circuitry necessary to
receive display data from the Computer, Navigation and transmit data
to the computer, Navigation with the following format.
Latitude Data for Display - The Computer, Navigation
3.5.3. 7.1
shall supply 2 data words, each of 20 bit length comprising of four 5
bit characters in serial format with least significant bit first.
Longitude Data for Display - The Computer, Nav-
igation shall supply 2 data words, each of 20 bit length comprising
of four 5 bit characters in serial format with least significant bit
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