| MIL-N-81497A(AS)
Form Factor - Form factor of the equipment shall con-
form to EI-554. Maximum envelope dimensions shall be 14.125 inches by
9.60 inches by 10.4 inches.
Weight - The weight of the Gyroscope Assembly shall
not exceed 19.9 pounds.
Sealing - The Gyroscope Assembly inertial platform
shall be hermetically sealed and filled with an inert gas.
Contents of Unit - The Gyroscope Assembly shall
contain the following major subassemblies:
Inner Cluster, containing:
Two axis non-floated, 2 DEG-of-freedom gyros (2 required)
One two axis accelerometer including pre-amplifiers
Temperature sensor with resistor
Redundant axis capture electronics channel
Gyro torquer electronics (3 channels)
Gyro pickoff pre-amplifiers (4 required)
(7) Accelerometer capture amplifiers (2 required)
Thermostats and heaters (as required)
Components mounted on the azimuth axis between the
inner cluster and the pitch gimbal.
Azimuth gimbal DC torquer motor
Gyro signal coordinate resolver
Two speed resolver transmitter (8:1 ratio)
Slip rings
Components mounted on pitch axis between the pitch
and roll gimbals.
(1) Pitch gimbal DC torquer motor
Synchro transmitters (2 required)
Slip rings
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