| ![]() MIL-N-85005A(AS)
LED/MSD Channel - The LED/MSD Channel shall inter-
face from the SDC to the Converter. The total channel shall consist of
a data channel, a list discrete, a word discrete, and a clock. Timing
shall be in accordance with Figure 25 and data word formats shall be in
accordance with Figure 26. The list discrete shall be set true prior to
clocking the Data to the Converter and will remain true until all words
in the list have been transmitted. The word discrete shall be set true
immediately before each word of the list is clocked to the Converter.
It shall go false between words.
A list shall consist of 20 data words, 32 bits per word. The
minimum time between lists shall be as shown in Figure 25. As shown in
Figure 25, the SCALE/MESS/EDIT word will be the first word of the list
and the SS-2 OMNI word the last. The 20 words will be in five different
formats as shown in Figure 26.
The four MSD words shall control the 60 Marker Status Display
Indicators with the first word being for marker indicators 01 through
16, the second 17 through 32, the third 33 through 48, the fourth 49
through 60.
CRT Display Channel - The CRT Display Channel shall
form an interface from the SDC to the Converter. It shall consist of a
data channel, a list discrete, word discrete, and a clock. Figure 27
depicts the timing of the channel and Figure 28 illustrates data words
format. Each CRT data word shall be either 64 or 96 bits in length.
When conic information (BRG or LGTH/RAD) is associated with the X and Y
position of that word, the 96 bits shall be transmitted. If conic
information is not required, only 64 bits of data shall be transmitted
to the Converter for example 33 - 96.
The word discrete shall be set true 2.25 sec prior to the clock
and will be set false 750 nsec after the clock, whether it be 64 or 96
bits in length. A list of data words shall be transmitted to the Converter.
The word list shall be from 3 to 64 words in length. The minimum time
between lists shall be as shown in Figure 27. The list discrete shall
be set true 1 sec before the word discrete and shall be set false 5
sec after the word discrete falls. The "as required" words shall not
be in any particular pattern within the list. The Converter shall
display on the CRT only the data from the latest list update. X and Y Position Data - The X and Y data shall be 12
bits each, consisting of 11 bits positional data (from CRT center) and 1
bit for sign: up, down, right, or left of CRT center. Bit and bit
weight shall be as shown in Figure 28. Scale is defined as radius of
nominal CRT display area in nautical miles. The LSB shall be transmitted
first. Negative numbers shall be in "two's" complement.
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