| ![]() MIL-N-85005A(AS)
Responsibility for Inspection - Unless otherwise specified
in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the
performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except
as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or
any commercial laboratory acceptable to the Government. The Government
reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the
specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure
supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.
4.1.1 -
Classification of Tests - Items covered by this specifi-
cation shall be subjected to the following tests to determine compliance
with all applicable requirements.
Preproduction (First Article) Tests
Initial production Tests
Acceptance Tests
Integration Testing
Flight Tests
Preproduction (First Article) Tests - Preproduction tests
shall be made on an equipment representative of the production equipments
to be supplied under the contract. Preproduction tests shall be accom-
plished under the approved test procedure of 4.7. The Government inspec-
tor and the procuring activity shall be advised 30 days prior to when
tests are to be conducted so that a representative may be designated to
witness or supervise the tests when so desired. Contractors not having
adequate facilities to conduct all required tests shall obtain the
services of a commercial testing laboratory acceptable to the Government.
Preproduction (First Article) Test Data - The contractor
shall submit all data collected in conducting these tests to the procur-
ing activity for review.
Scope of Tests - Preproduction tests shall include all
tests deemed necessary by the procuring activity to determine that the
equipment meets all the requirements of this specification, other applic-
able specifications, and the contract. Preproduction tests shall include
environmental tests in accordance with the procedures of Specification
Preproduction (First Article) Approval - Approval of the
preproduction sample shall be by the procuring activity upon satisfactory
completion of all tests. The approved preproduction sample shall be
retained by the contractor for his use in the fabrication and testing of
equipment to be submitted for acceptance.
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