| ![]() MIL-O-52374D
3.9 Shock. While operating with 6.75 V dc input, no load on the output and a total capacitive load of
25 pF, the oscillator shall not be damaged and shall produce an output voltage of 2,700 volts peak-to-peak
100 volts when subjected to six 100g (see 6.3.6) shocks applied to each of three mutually perpendicular
directions. The shock impacts shall be nominal half sine wave pulses having a minimum of 100 g's at
peak amplitude. The duration of each shock pulse shall be 6 milliseconds 2 milliseconds measured
between the 10 percent values of the peak amplitude. The energy under the shock curve shall be not less
than 0.25 g-second and the after oscillations shall be not greater than 15 percent of the peak amplitude of
the nominal half sine wave pulse.
3.10 Vibration. The oscillator shall not be damaged and shall meet the requirements of 4.4.6 after
being rigidly mounted, singly or in groups, and vibrated with simple harmonic motion in three mutually
perpendicular planes over a frequency range of 10 to 55 Hz with an amplitude of .10 inch total excursion
for 10 minutes in each plane. There shall be no voltage applied to the oscillator during the vibration.
3.11 Rise time. The oscillator shall start and reach steady state (see 6.3.7) conditions within 5 seconds
under the following conditions.
a. An input voltage of 6.00 V dc and 6.75 V dc.
b. Full load.
c. A total capacitive load of 55 pF.
d. At an ambient temperature between +52C and -54C.
3.12 Noise level. The oscillator noise shall be not greater than 40 decibels when measured at a
maximum distance of one inch from the oscillator while operating. (Reference level for noise
measurements: 1,000 Hz sound wave having an intensity of 20 micronewtons per square meter.)
3.13 Stray field. With an input voltage of 6.75 V dc, and the output at full load and 55 pF, the oscillator
stray field (see 6.3.8) shall be not greater than one gauss when measured at a maximum distance of one
half inch from the oscillator.
3.14 Operation safety.
a. The oscillator, with open circuit, shall not be damaged when subjected to a reverse polarity input
voltage of 6.75 V dc for 1 minute:
(1) Short circuited (see 6.3.9) for 1 minute.
(2) Open circuited (see 6.3.10) for 5 minutes.
(3) Full load for 1 hour.
3.15 High voltage output socket. The high voltage output socket of the oscillator shall not be damaged
when tested in accordance with 4.4.11.
3.16 Mean time between failure. The oscillators shall exhibit a specified mean time between failure
(MTFB) of 4,000 hours.
3.17 Identification markings. The oscillator shall be identified in accordance with MIL-STD-130 and as
shown in figure 1.
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