| ![]() MIL-P-1407C
5.1.2 Level C.- Carriers shall be packaged to afford adequate protection
against physical damage during shipment from the supply source to the first
receiving activity. The supplier may use his standard practice when it meets
this requirement.
Packing shall be level A, B, or C as specified (see 6.2).
5.2 Packing.-
5.2.1 Level A.- Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), four carriers, AI-A24,
BI-B24, C-and DI-D24 or EI-E24, FI-F24, CI-G24, and HI-H24, packaged as
specified in 5.1, shall be packed in a snug-fitting fiberboard shipping container
conforming to style RSC, grade V2s of PPP-B-636. Each shipping container shall
be closed, waterproofed by means of tape, and reinforced with flat strapping or
tape banding in accordance with the appendix of PPP-B-636.
5.2.2 Level B.- Four carriers, AI-A24, BI-B24, CI-C24, and DI-D24 or EI-E24,
FI-F24, GI-G24, and HI-H24, packaged as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in a
snug-fitting fiberboard shipping container conforming to type CF. variety SW,
or type SF, class domestic of PPP-B-636. Closure shall be in accordance with
method II of the appendix of PPP-B-636.
* When specified (see 6.2), the shipping container shall be a grade
V3c or V3s fiberboard box fabricated in accordance with PPP-B-636 and closed
in accordance with the appendix thereto. The shipping container material may
also be grade V4s of PPP-F-320.
5.2.3 Level C.- Carriers, packaged as specified in 5.1, shall be packed in
a manner to insure carrier acceptance and safe delivery at destination at the
lowest transportation rate for such supplies. Containers and packing shall
comply with Uniform Freight Classification Rules or National Motor Freight
Classification Rules.
5.3 Marking.- In addition to any special marking required by the contract
or order, interior packages and shipping containers (with set assembly mark-
ings) shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129.
6.1 Intended use.- The laundry marking pin set, complete with pins, is
intended to be used to mark, for identification purposes, laundry cleaned in
military operated field laundries.
6.2 Ordering data.-
Procurement documents should specify the following:
(a) Title, number, and date of this specification.
(b) When to be procured either in complete sets or individual components
(see 1.1 and 3.3).
(c) When a preproduction sample is required (see 3.1).
(d) Selection of applicable levels of packaging and packing (see 5.1 and
(e) When other than fiberboard shipping containers are required for level A
packing (see 5.2.1).
(f) Weather-resistant grade fiberboard shipping containers are required
for level B packing (see
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