| MIL-P-17639F(SH)
Piping out of way of maintenance access.
Ease of packing, mechanical seal, bearing, and wearing ring
Split casing, bearing housings, etc., (except for submarine
Guards for rotating and moving components.
Warning plates to prevent casualties to equipment and personnel.
Provisions for connecting instruments for performance evaluation.
Attached instruments for monitoring performance.
Visibility and access to attached instruments.
Thoroughness of operating instructions.
Thoroughness of preventive maintenance instructions.
Explicit assembly and disassembly instructions.
Exploded views of critical assemblies.
Adequate system diagrams. Each pump shall have a service life of 30 years of which 40 percen
shall be actual operation. There shall be no limit on the number of starts
during the life of the pump. It shall be assumed that during the life of the
pump, parts subject to unavoidable wear and deterioration (with the exception of
packing and seals) will be replaced at intervals no shorter than 3 years. The
parts subject to wear, deterioration, and normally requiring replacement at
3-year intervals during the service life of the pump (with the exception of
packing and seals) shall have a life of 10,000 actual operating hours, and they
shall be identified in appropriate drawings and manuals. The requirement set
forth above shall not be construed or interpreted as a warranty requirement,
nor shall it otherwise affect the manufacturers warranty. In the design of sea-connected pumps for submarine application,
full consideration shall be given to the cyclic nature of the pressure loading.
The design shall be in accordance with NAVSEA 0941-LP-041-3010. Justification
of design to the command or agency concerned shall be made by experimental
stress analysis (see
3.2.3 Shock and vibration. Pumps and drivers, all appurtenances, and controls shall pass a
shock test in accordance with MIL-S-901, grade A, as specified in Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2.1), shock mounts (resilient
mounts for shock attenuation) shall not be used. When noise attenuation mounts
are specified, the pump shall pass the specified shock test on the noise atten-
uation mounts.
332.3.3 Bolts designed to be stressed in shear shall be installed in holes
with a minimum of clearance. Hole diameters shall be not more than 1/32 inch
larger than the bolts for sizes up to and including 3/4-inch, and no more than
1/16 inch larger than bolts of greater than 3/4-inch size, Mounting bolts for
fastening the equipment shall conform to grade 2 or better of MIL-S-1222. Pumps shall not be damaged or caused to malfunction by either the
environmental vibrations or by internally excited vibrations. Units furnished
under this specification shall be tested to meet the requirements of
MIL-STD-167-1, type I and IX (see
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