| ![]() MIL-P-17639F(SH)
The unit shall be operated at each test point until the test
values being measured stabilize. In addition to the above test-
ing, determine the required net positive suction head at the
maximum rated speed at maximum rated flow rate.
Acceptance criteria: The pump shall deliver the rated capacity and head.
The head-capacity curve at maximum rated speed shall satisfy the specified
requirements. The total head at all capacities from O to 120 percent of rated
capacity on the curve shall not deviate by more than plus 5 percent or minus 2
percent of rated head under 500 feet from the head at the corresponding capacity
on the head-capacity curve at maximum rated speed established in the performance
of If more than one performance test has been performed for a given
pump design for use in a given ship class, then the head-capacity curve estab-
lished in the first performance test is the one to which the preceding sentence
In no case shall the pump deliver less than the rated head at rated
flow. The required net positive suction head shall not exceed the minimum net
positive suction head available as specified in 6.2.1. Pumps originally quali-
fied in accordance with earlier revisions of this specification shall continue
to meet the head repeatability percentage requirements of the applicable earlier
revision, not the above plus 5 percent or minus 2 percent requirement in order
to maintain consistency with the original design of the shipboard piping system.
(c) Operate the electric motor-driven unit for a minimum of
1 minute in reverse rotation at maximum rated speed.
Acceptance criteria: The unit shall not be damaged by the reverse rotation
test. Conformance to hydraulic and noise requirements shall be demonstrated
subsequent to the reverse rotation test.
4.6.4 Noise tests. Airborne and structureborne noise tests when speci-
fied (see 6.2.1) shall be conducted and reported in accordance with MIL-STD-740.
Noise test details, instrumentation, and testing techniques identified in
MIL-STD-740 shall be submitted to the contracting activity prior to testing for
approval. Noise tests shall be performed with the driver furnished with pump,
and tests shall be conducted on all units. Airborne noise tests shall be
conducted on the lead unit only on each contract or order.
The unit shall meet the noise level limits specified
Acceptance criteria:
in 6.2.1.
4.6.5 Non-destructive inspection and ultrasonic inspection. All non-
destructive inspection, all welding, and all inspection of welds shall comply
with MIL-STD-278 and MIL-STD-271.
4.6.6 Performance evaluation tests. One pump of each type, design, and
size on each contract or order shall successfully undergo the performance
evaluation tests to establish the complete pump performance map and to ascertain
compliance with the specified performance requirements. Motor driven units shall
be tested with the motor to be furnished with the pump. A substitute driver may
be used for turbine driven pumps. When pumps of identical type, design, and size
are being produced under two or more contracts within a 2-year period, only one
series of performance evaluation tests shall be required for that production run.
The following tests shall comprise the performance evaluation tests:
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