| ![]() M o t o r s . - Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order,
hydraulic m motors shall be designed for flanges or bracket mounting direct to
a reduction gear case or to the supporting structure of the driven member of
the assembly (see 6.1).
In general, all anti-friction bearings used in pumps
3.3.6 Bearings.-
and motors shall comply with Specifications 42B5 and 42B10, as applicable.
The exception will be the rotating element in class I and II pumps where a
special type bearing may be required.
3.3.7 Drive shafts.- Splined or keyed drive shafts shall be furnished
as specified (see 6.1 ) or in the applicable machinery purchase specifications,
Shafts shall project sufficiently to permit attachment of a coupling, drive gear
or pinion of a size suitable for the particular pump or motor. Keys shall be
furnished with keyed drive shafts.
3.3.8 Direction of rotation.- All pumps shall be designed to rotate in a
clockwise direction unless otherwise specified in the contract or order. All
motors shall be designed for reversing service. Rotation shall be determined
while facing the drive shaft of the unit.
3.3.9 Operating speeds.- Pump drive speeds shall be the highest practi-
cable for the particular size and type. Speeds shall be selected on the basis of
providing for direct coupling of the pump to its prime mover and minimumization
of space requirements. Hydraulic motor speeds shall be consistent with the
speed of pumps of the same type and size.
3.3.10 Parts clearances and interchangeability.- Clearances between all
working parts shall be sufficient to insure satisfactory operation between the
minimum and maximum temperatures specified in 3.3.13. Parts, assemblies
and subassemblies shall be interchangeable between units of the same class, size
and manufacture.
3 . 3 . 1 1 Fastenings.- AU threaded fastenings used to secure one part of
a hydraulic pump or motor to another shall be American National form and fit
in accordance with Handbook H28.
3.3.12 Pipe connections.-
All suction, discharge and drain ports through
the case or end cover of pumps
and motors shall terminate in bosses cast on the
case or cover. Bosses shall be
suitably finished for attachment of square or
rectangular male type flanges.
Flanges and seals for each connection shall be
furnished by the pump or motor
manufacturer and shall be in accordance with
Publication NAVORD OSTD63.
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