| ![]() MIL-P-17869A(SHIPS)
5.1 Basic requirements. - Pumps and hydraulic motors, repair parts,
drawings and technic al manuals shall be preserved, packaged packed and
marked for dom estic shipment - immediate use, domestic shipment and
storage as stock or for overseas shipment as specified (see 6.1). Methods
and materials shall be as specified in Specification MIL-P- 16789 except that
part which pertains to the use of perservatives on the internal surfaces of
hydraulic pumps and motors intended f or domestic shipment - immediate use.
5.2 Internal preservation for domestic shipment - immediate use. -
Internal preservation shall b e by the use of hydraulic equipment preservative
oil conforming to Specification MIL-O-6083. This oil shall be thoroughly, worked
into the pump or motor by operting for short intervals. The oil shall be drained
and all openings sealed and locked in the manner specified for flange bolts and
nuts oil hydraulic pumps and motors in Specification MIL-P-16789 prior to
shipment. Internal protection afforded by using preservative conforming to
Specification MIL-O-6083 shall be limited to one year. Pumps and motors
protected from corrosion inthis manner shall be conspicuously labeled on the
unit package and shipping container to indicate date of preservation and to warn
that re-preservation is required at the expiration of one year.
5.3 Special precautions during preservation and handling. - Care shall be
taken to prevent the entry of material such as sand, grit, metal chips and spatter
into the pump or motor during the preservation process and when handling between
the manufacturer and the prime contractor where such parties are involved.
When the original preservation is destroyed due to testing of the equipment by
the prime contractor, it shall be restored to the original condition prior to
delivery to the Government.
6.4 Marking. - In addition to any special marking specified in the contract
or order, interior packages and shipping containers shall be marked in accord-
. ante with Standard MIL-STD- 129.
6.1 Ordering data. -
P r o c u r e m e n t documents should specify the following
(a) Title, number, and date of this specification.
(b) Class, size duty and performance required (see 1.2,
3.3.1 and 3.3.2).
(c) Mountugn method for hydraulic pumps and motors
(see and
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