| ![]() MIL-P-18472G(SH)
provided for the handling of parts and components weighing 150 pounds and over
which cannot be handled manually during unit overhauls and preventive maintenance
Type of driver.
The type of driver shall be as specified (see 6.2).
Detail requirements.
3.3.1 Configurations.
Pumps shall be horizontal or vertical, flexible-
coupled or close-coupled (see 6.3) as specified (see 6.2).
All classes. Stages. Pumps having a total head of 50
or less may be
single or multi-stage, Pumps having total head over 50
may have two or
more stages. Impellers. Vertical pumps shall be provided with single top
inlet or double suction first stage impellers located at the bottom of the pump
so as to have maximum possible submergence and facilitate venting of the eye of
the impeller during operation. Vertical bottom suction impellers with vents may
be used provided prior approval for the specific application is obtained from the
design review agency. Axial unbalance. Axial hydraulic unbalance due to the use of
single inlet impellers shall not exceed 150 pounds unless fully justified in the
design data and calculations.
Class D-1 pumps.
3.3,1.2.1 Auxiliary con densate service. Class D-1 pumps for auxiliary
condensate service may be horizontal or vertical. Horizontal single stage pumps
may be either flexible-coupled or close-coupled. Vertical pumps shall be
flexible-coupled. Other services. Class D-1 pumps for all other services shall be
vertical, single stage and close-coupled when the total head of the pump is 50
or less. Multi-stage pumps may be vertical or horizontal and flexible-
coupled unless otherwise approved by the design review agency. Distilling plant pumps. Distilling plant pumps which are
attached to and furnished with the distilling unit may be either vertical or
Class D-2 pumps. Class D-2 pumps shall be vertical and flexible-
coupled, except condensate pumps for submarine applications may be close-coupled
or rigid-coupled subject to approval of the design review agency.
Class E pumps.
Class E pumps shall be vertical and flexible-
3.3.2 Perform ance chara cteristics .
The operating characteristics of the
pumps shall be as specified (see 6.2).
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