| ![]() MIL-P-18472G(SH) Leakage. Pumps shall be configured so that gland leakage, whether
from mechanical seal or emergency packing, shall be collected and piped to waste.
The collection area shall be tapped for drain connections so that the leakage
can be drained away from the pump casing foundation, bearing housings, or
driving units. With the pump running or shutdown, the collection area shall
collect and drain all gland leakage, up to the greater of either 1 quart per
minute or three times the minimum allowable leakage rate recommended by the
contractor and approved by the design review agency for operation with emergency
3.3.9 Stuffing boxes and packing (for pumps without mechanical seals).
Stuffing boxes shall be of adequate depth to reduce leakage to a minimum under
all operating conditions. A minimum of five rings of packing is required for
each stuffing box. Stuffing boxes shall be fitted with throat bushings. The
stuffing boxes shall be fitted with water seal connections and lantern rings
located between inner and outer sets of packing. Special care shall be taken to
ensure that compression of the inner packing will not allow the lantern rings to
move to cut off or restrict the sealing water supply. Leakage. The pumps shall be configured so that all gland leakage
is collected without wetting the pump foundation, bearing housings, or driving
units. The collection areas shall be tapped for drain connections so that the
leakage can be drained away from the pump casing, foundation, bearing housings,
or driving units. With the pumps running or shutdown, the collection area shall
collect and drain all gland leakage at a rate not less than 1 gallon per minute. Packing gland and lantern rings. Packing gland and lantern rings
shall be split in halves with the halves secured together in a manner to form a
solid ring for setting up. Lantern rings of non-metallic materials and alter-
native design for securing may be used as approved by the design review agency. Maintenance. Stuffing box glands shall be set up by nuts threaded
on studs secured in the casings. Nuts shall be located to permit easy gland
adjustment with pump operating. Space shall be provided between bearings and
stuffing boxes to permit easy removal of packing, and examination and overhaul
of bearings.
3.3.10 Coupling.
For horizontal or vertical four-bearing units, an all-
metal flexible coupling shall be installed between the pumps and driving units.
Vertical units for submarine application may be rigidly coupled where prior
approval of the design review agency has been obtained.
Flexible coupling for class D-2 and E pumps Flexible coupling.
shall be grease-lubricated, double engagement dental couplings in accordance with
type II, class 2 of MIL-C-23233. Flexible coupling pump hubs shall be keyed to
the shafts and secured by locknuts. For pump shafts 1-1/2 inch diameter and
larger, the hubs shall be fitted on a taper with keys parallel to the taper. Rigid coupling. Rigid couplings shall have fitted bolts and the
coupling flanges shall be marked at assembly to ensure proper reassembly after
overhaul of the units.
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