| ![]() MIL-P-18526A(SH) Pump shall be monitored during the endurance test to accurately record the
conditions of operation, speed at which operated, and the general performance observed. Data
shall be collected and the pump examined at least twice per day of operation. For each
periodic examination, in addition to measured data, the record shall indicate the following:
Pump packing or seal leakage rate.
Conditions of the bearings.
Airborne noise level (normal-abnormal).
Vibration level (normal-abnormal).
Smoothness of operation (normal-abnormal).
Other abnormal findings.
Adjustments made.
Changes made in the conditions or method of operation.
(h) Each test pump shall be disassembled and inspected during the test when
variation of the pump parameters indicate some problem in the pump internals. Post contamination test procedure.
Unit subjected to the 1000 hour contami-
nation test shall be restored to the as-new condition by replacement of parts worn beyond
the as-new design tolerances. Restored unit shall successfully pass the shop tests specified
in,, and, if applicable. Shop test documentation shall indicate that
the unit was subjected to the contamination test and subsequently restored and shop tested,
and that it shall be certified as fully conforming to the specification for unrestricted
service. Shock test. Pump shall undergo a shock test to ascertain that the pump has
the necessary shock resistance. Shock test shall be performed in accordance with MIL-S-901
and the specific shock test requirements (see 6.2.1). Before and after the shock test, the pump and driver and other components
susceptible to internal derangement shall be disassembled to the extent necessary and the
critical dimensions and running clearances measured, calculated, and recorded. During this
disassembly, the critical components and assemblies subject to shock damage and derangement
shall be Identified and listed in the inspection record and after completion of the test,
the condition of each component and assembly determined and recorded. Before and after the shock test, shop tests in accordance with shall
be performed to determine the changes in performance characteristics of the pump. Vibration
measurements shall be taken at the bearing caps or housings of the pump and driver at equal
speeds during the initial and final capacity test to determine the changes in mechanical
operation. Unit shall be mounted on the shock machine or barge essentially identical to
the actual shipboard installation. The procuring agency will furnish the contractor a draw-
ing of the shipboard mounting arrangement. Horizontal pumps when tested in the inclined
position on the medium-weight shock machine shall be oriented so that the direction of shock
is perpendicular to the axis of pump rotation. Pump shall be in operation during the first
and third blow in each orientation on the medium-weight shock machine. Pump shall be in
operation during the first, third, and fifth blows of the shock test on the floating barge.
Variable speed pumps shall be operated at the minimum speed and pressure required to insure
lubrication of bearings and wearing parts. Other pumps shall be operated at the lowest
rated speed. Pump shall be carefully observed during each shock blow and thoroughly ex-
amined visually after each blow. After each blow the unit shall be operated at as close to
maximum rated speed as possible and checked for abnormal noises and vibrations and proper
functioning of controls. Turbine driven pumps may be air driven.
Shock test acceptance criteria shall be as
--hock test acceptance criteria.
There shall be no breakage of parts, including mounting bolts.
There shall be no distortion or derangement of any part which would render
the unit incapable of performing as specified.
Amplitude of vibration after test at maximum rated speed shall be less than
twice the amplitude measured at the same speed before the test.
Adequate lubrication to bearings shall be maintained.
Critical dimensions and running clearances have been maintained.
There shall be no significant change in the performance curve.
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