| ![]() MIL-P-18547A(SHIPS) If any serious wear, drop in performance, or other deficiencies are noted which would necessi-
tate replacement of parts or overhaul of the pump in less than 9000 hours of operation, except for packing,
those facts shall be immediately communicated to the Bureau of Ships, the procuring agency, and the Inspector
of Naval Material. The pump shall be left unassembled pending a decision by the Bureau of Ships. If no serious wear, drop in performance or other deficiencies are noted, those facts shall also be
immediately communicated to the Bureau of Ships, the procuring agency, and the Inspector of Naval Material.
The pump shall be cleaned up, worn parts shall be replaced, and the pump prepared for further tests as re-
quired by 4.7.2, 4.7.3 and 4.7.5, as applicable. Within 30 days after successful completion of the preproduction tests required by 4.6.2, copies of
a complete test report including performance curves and recorded data shall be distributed as follows:
(a) Three to the Bureau of Ships (attention Code 649).
(b) Two to the purchasing activity (if other than the Bureau of Ships).
(c) One to the primary inspection office.
(d) One to the branch inspection office, if any. This test report need not include the tests required by 4.7.2, 4.7.3 or 4.7.5. Approval of the test report by the bureau or agency concerned shall be obtained prior to deliv-
ery of any pump on the contract or order. A period of 30 days after receipt of the report, by the bureau or
agency concerned, shall be allowed for approval.
4.6.3 Endurance test (not applicable to class CO-1 pumps) .- The endurance test shall consist of a running
test of not less than 500 hours of actual running time. The 500 hours of actual running time shall not be con-
tinuous, but shall be broken by at least 3 rest periods of not less than 8 hours each. A minimum of 100 start-
stop cycles shall be performed during the course of the 500 hour test. The test shall be run using Navy sym-
bol 2190TEP oil in accordance with MIL-L-17331, or oil with similar characteristics. During the early part of the endurance test the pump shall be operated continuously for 24 hours
at rated discharge pressure, maximum rated speed, with a suction lift of not less than 10 inches Hg and with
the oil at approximately 60F. (2500 SSU). During the last 24 hours of the test the pump shall be operated
continuously at rated discharge pressure, maximum rated speed, with a suction lift of 10 inches Hg and with
the oil at not less than 160 F. The remainder of the test shall be run at rated discharge pressure, maximum
rated speed, with a suction lift of 10 inches Hg and with oil at a viscosity of approximately 130 SSU (with tem-
perature held within plus 15 , minus 5F. of the temperature required for 130 SSU viscosity). If the manufacturer desires to establish the endurance test reliability under more severe con-
ditions than required by the contract or or&r, that is, at higher rotating speed, in order to preclude the ne-
cessity for repeating the test under a later contract or order, this may be done if requested by the manufac-
turer and approved by the bureau or agency concerned. The request should give full details as to contract
requirements and the desired test conditions. If such a test is approved, then the performance tests required
by 4.6.2(a) and (b) shall be run under both the contract conditions and the more stringent conditions proposed
by the contractor. See for noise tests which may be required to be run during the endurance test. The performance test required by 4.6.2(d) shall be run immediately following the endurance test.
4.7 Production tests. - Production tests are applicable to class O-1 and CO-1, and all types of pumps
under this specification, except as otherwise specifically noted, and shall include the tests covered by 4.7.1 to
4.8.6 inclusive.
4.7.1 Performance tests. - Performance tests shall be conducted and reported in accordance with the Test Code of Standards
of the Hydraulic Institute, Rotary Pump Section, for tests classed as "Factory tests at the pump manufacturers
plant." Driving units shall be tested as required by the applicable equipment specifications (see 6.1).
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