| ![]() MIL-P-18547A(SHIPS)
4.7.4 Noise tests (not applicable to class CO-I pumps) .- When pumps are required by the contract or order to be sound isolated, airborne, structureborne
and fluidborne (pressure pulsations), noise tests shall be conducted following the performance tests (see
4.7.1). Testing for airborne and structureborne noise and reporting of noise tests shall be in accordance with
MIL-STD-740. Details of the pump noise test stand, instrum entation and test measurements shall be as mu-
tually agreed upon between the pump manufacturer and the bureau or agency concerned. During the preproduction tests (see 4.6) of pumps required by the contractor order to be sound
isolated, a series of two noise tests shall be conducted as follows:
(a) During the first 8 hours of the endurance test (see 4.6.3).
(b) During the final hours of the endurance test.
The pump shall be running at maximum specified liquid temperature, minimum specified viscosity, specified
capacity and discharge pressure, and the minimum specified suction head or maximum suction Lift, as appli-
4.7.5 Inclined operation tests (applicable to class CO and CO-1 pumps) .- Inclined operation tests shall
be conducted as specified for the driving unit, or as otherwise required by the contract or order. For these
tests the unit shall be run at maximum operating speed, but need not be fully loaded. These tests may be in-
cluded in the performance tests.
4.8 Routine tests. - Routine tests are applicable to every pump on the contract or order, except as other-
wise specifically noted.
4.8.1 Each pump shall be tested in order to determine the ability to deliver the rated capacity of speci-
fied liquid at the minimum specified viscosity against rated discharge pressure and with the suction lift spec-
ified for the minimum viscosity. Pump delivery in excess of 10 percent of rated capacity under normal oper-
ating conditions is considered unsatisfactory. This test is to be of sufficient duration to indicate, to the
representative of the bureau or agency concerned, that the specified characteristics have been met.
4.8.2 The tests specified in 4.8.1 and 4.8.3 may be conducted without the contract driving units, provided
the contract driving units, including reduction gears, if used, have been independently tested as specified in
4.8.3 All pumps shall be tested at rated speed for a continuous nonstop run of at least 30 minutes. While
running at this speed the pump need not handle bad as this test is to insure proper alignment and balance.
4.8.4 All rotors, shafts and timing gears shall be tested for smoothness of running at all speeds includ-
ing maximum rated speed.
4.8.5 Hydrostatic tests.- Each pump casing shall be tested hydrostatically to a pressure of two times the maximum rated
discharge pressure, but in no case to less than 150 pounds p.s.i.g. A light grade of mineral oil, not exceeding
200 SSU, maybe used for hydrostatic tests. Hydrostatic test pressures shall be maintained for at least 15 minutes, or longer as necessary,
for inspection of the entire casing.
4.8.6 Silver-brazed joints (not applicable to class CO-1 pumps) .- Inspection and test of joints in all sys-
tems designated as hazardous in manual NAVSHIPS 250-648-8 shall be in accordance with the requirements
of that manual.
4.9 Test reports.-
4.9.1 Test reports shall be prepared for all tests conducted by the contractor including the shock and
inclination tests. Recorded data of the performance tests may be logged on contractor's forms. The follow-
ing identification data for each pump unit shall be furnished and included in the test report:
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