| ![]() MIL-P-18547A(SHIPS)
Notes to table III:
(1) Casings when supplied, shall be in accordance with item (g) of table III for pumps not equipped
with housings or liners (see 3,6,10.2).
(2) Pump rotor, item (i) of table III, shall be completely assembled ready for installation in the
pump for which intended, This shall be interpreted to include any nonrotating part which can be
installed only by removing some rotating part or parts of the pump rotor.
(3) The quantities of onboard repair parts listed in table III, for items (a) to (i) inclusive, shall not
be reduced by reason of the same part being furnished with complete rotor, item (i).
(4) Repair parts such as those for turbines, reduction gears, motors, and controllers, and pump
pressure regulating governors shall be furnished in accordance with the applicable component
6.4 With respect to products requiring qualification, awards will be made only for such products as have,
prior to the time set for opening of bids, been tested and approved for inclusion in Qualified Products List
QPL18547, whether or not such products have actually been so listed by that date. The attention of the sup-
pliers is called to this requirement, and manufacturers are urged to arrange to have the products that they
propose to offer to the Federal Government tested for qualification, in order that they maybe eligible to be
awarded contracts or orders for the products covered by this specification. The activity responsible for the
qualified products list is the Bureau of Ships, Department of the Navy, Washington 25, D. C., and information
pertaining to qualification of products may be obtained from that activity. Application for Qualification tests
shall be made in accordance with "Provisions Governing Qualification" (see 6.5).
6.5 Copies of "Provisions Governing Qualification" may be obtained upon application to Commanding
Officer, Naval Supply Depot, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia 20, Pennsylvania.
6.6 Preproduction. -
6.6.1 Invitations for bids should provide that the Government reserves the right to waive the requirement
for preproduction samples as to those bidders offering a product which has been previously procured or tested
by the Government, and that bidders offering such products, who wish to rely on such production or test, must
furnish evidence with the bid that prior Government approval is presently appropriate for the pending pro-
Preparing activity:
Navy - Ships
(Project 4320-N080Sh)
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