| ![]() MIL-P-19131(SHIPS)
BUREAU OF SHIPS (cent'd. )
B-153 - Packings and Gaskets, Application of.
B-176 - Flanges, Composition, Silver Brazing.
B-177 - Flanges, Composition, Silver Brazing.
B-214 - Root Conn actions for Attaching Piping.
(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required
by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be
obtained from the procuring agency or as directed by the contracting officer. )
2.2 Other publications. - The following document forms a part of this
specification. Unless otherwise indicated the issue in effect on date of invita-
tion for bids shall apply.
Handbook H28 - Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Services.
(Application for copies should be addressed to the Superintendent of
Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.).
3. 1 Qualification. - Class N-2 and class O-2 pumps furnished under this
specification shall be a product which has been tested and has passed the
qualification tests specified herein (see 6. 2).
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