| ![]() MIL-P-19131(SHIPS)
3.3 General design. -
3. 3.1 The principle of reliability is paramount and no compromise of this
principle shall be made with any ether basic requirements of design. It is the inten-
tion of this specification to obtain pumps of such design that they will operate over a
long period of years with a minimum of servicing. Where wear or erosion is unvoid-
able the parts subjected to such wear or erosion shall be of the best materials availa-
ble for the purpose in order to reduce these detrimental effects to a minimum. The
design and construction of all pumps shall be the most compact consistent `with the
following requirements:
(a) Reliability.
(b) Accessibility for repair.
(c) Resistance to wear or corrosion.
(d) Economy.
(e) Satisfactory operation when inclined as follows, unless other-
wise specified in the contract or order:
Surface ships
(1) degrees from the normal horizontal posi-
tion in the fore and aft plane (permanently
(2) Up to 15 degrees to either side (permanently
(3) With the ship rolling up to 45 degrees from the
vertical to either side.
(4) With the ship pitching 10 degrees up and down
from the normal horizontal plane.
Note 1.- Degrees indicated are measured from the
vertical to either side from list and roll,
and from the normal horizontal plane up or
down from trim and pitch.
Note 2.- Horizontal pumps are normally in a ship with
the shaft in the fore and aft position.
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