| ![]() MIL-P-19131(SHIPS)
3.3.17 Rubbing speeds. - The maximum rubbing speed in feet per minute for
a particular type pum p shall be the speed established for the type pump during the
qualification test. Pumps shall not be offered or furnished on any contract or order
which operate at a rubbing speed greater than the rubbing speed at which the pump
of the same type operated on qualification test.
3.3.18 Threaded parts .- Threaded parts shall conform to Handbook H28.
3.3..19 Welding.- Welding shall be in accordance with Section S9-1 of the
General Specifications for Ships.
3.3.20 Painting.- - AU external unmachined surfaces of ungalvanized ferrous
metal parts shall be thoroughly cleaned and coated with one coat of pretreatment
conform ing to Specification MIL- C- 15328, and one coat of zinc chromate primer,
Specification JAN-P-735, or one coat of red lead primer conforming to Specifica-
tion MIL-P- 17545, followed by a finish coat of light gray equipment enamel con-
forming to Specification MIL-E-15090. Painting of external surfaces of nonferrous parts of pumps will not be
3.4 Material. -
3.4.1 Material shall be as specified herein. Material not definitely specified
shall be of the best quality used for the purpose in commercial practice, and shall
be subjected to review and approval by the bureau or agency concerned. Material
shall be free from all defects and imperfections that might affect the serviceability
of the finished product.
3.4.2 The use of materials other than those indicated will be considered when
the contractor shows the necessity for the substitution and the material proposed
is readily obtainable. Substitution of materials will require the specific approval
of the bureau or agency concerned in each case.
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