| ![]() MIL-P-19131(SHIPS) Materials for class N-4 and O-3 pumps shall be the same as listed
in table 1 except that commercial materials may be used in place of Navy specifi-
cation material. Rotors for N-4 and O-3 pumps maybe of oil resistant rubber com-
pound subject to specific approval of the bureau or agency concerned.
3.5 Pump drivers. -
3.5.1 Pumps may be direct connected or geared to the driving units as
specified or approved in each case by the bureau or agency concerned, Attached
pumps, class O-3 and N-4, may be geared, chain driven or belt driven,
3. 5.3 Motors. - Motor drives shall be of the type and characteristics speci-
fied in the contract order and shall conform to Specification MIL-M- 17413 or
MIL-M- 17556 for direct current, motors, and to Specification MIL-M- 17059 or
MIL-M- 17060 for alternating current motors. Unless otherwise specified in the
contract or order motors shall have the following features:
Navy service
Service A.
Ambient temperature
50 c
Totally enclosed or totally
enclosed fan cooled.
Class A or B.
Type of bearings
Winding direct current or
alternating current
Squirrel cage induction.
Design, alternating current
Design C.
The full load torque at all speeds of multispeed motors shall be
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