| ![]() MIL-P-19131(SHIPS) Pump rotor, item (h) of table III, shall be completely assembled
ready for installation in the pump for which intended. This shall be interpreted
to include any nonrotating part which can be installed only by removing some
rotating part or parts of the pump rotor. The quantities of onboard -repair parts listed in table III far items (a)
and (g) inclusive shall not `be reduced by reason of the same part being furnished
with complete rotor, item (h).
3.9.3 Repair parts such as those for turbines, gears, engines,
motors, and controllers, shall be furnished in accordance with the applicable
component specifications
3.9.4 Special tools and wrenches. - Each set of onboard repair parts shall include a complete set of
all special tools and wrenches required for maintenance of the pumps, gears
and drivers. One set of special operating tools and wrenches shall be furnished
with each pump unit, and shall include all wrenches and tools required for the
operation of the complete pump units. Each set of special operating tools and
wrenches shall be furnished in separate steel boxes. If there are not more than
two such tools per set they may be attached to the pumps in a secure but readily
accessible manner, rather than boxed Each tool or wrench shall be indelibly marked indicating the
intended purpose. Tools which are available in the Catalog of Naval Material, General
Stores Section, such as common wrenches and standard pullers, will not be
required. Standard complete or limited sets of pullers or parts of puller sets in
accordance with Specification GGG-P-781 shall be identified as to type and use
in notes on the outline or section assembly drawings, Special tools shall be
detailed, and included in the list of material. Each box containing onboard repair parts shall contain a list entitled
"List of onboard repair parts and tools". The list shall be in a format suitable
for use on outline drawings and in the technical manuals. It shall not be less than
nominal 8-1/2 by 11 inches in size.
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