| ![]() MIL-P-19131(SHIPS)
Tests shall be classified as follows:
4.1 Classification of tests. -
(a) Qualification tests.
(b) Performance acceptance tests.
(c) Hydrostatic tests.
4.2 Qualification tests. -
4.2.1 Qualification tests at a laboratory. - Qualification tests on class N-2
and class 0-2 shall be conducted at a laboratory designated by the Bureau of
Ships. These tests shall consist of the tests specified in 4.2.8.
4.2.2 In addition to the tests at the laboratory class N-2 and O-2 pumps
shall pass the following shipboard service tests:
(a) Two or more pumps of the same general design and
general operating characteristics shall have given
satisfactory service onboard Naval vessels for a
period of at least two years and shall still be in
service on such vessels at the time qualification
approval is requested.
(b) When `the design of pump in service, for which the
manufacturer request qualification approval, does
not meet current Naval requirements as regards
suction lift, discharge pressure and capacity
characteristics, the manufacturer will be required
to furnish satisfactory evidence that he has produced
pumps of a design, suction lift, discharge pressure
and capacity characteristics equal to those currently
required for Naval service. The Bureau of Ships
may require additional qualification approval tests of
any design of pump which in its opinion has been
changed sufficiently to require further demonstration
of its suitability..
4. 2.3 Pumps submitted for qualification tests shall have characteristic rat-
ings of not less than the following:
Class O-2
Class N-2
100 g. p. m,
Rated capacity
50 g. p. m.
Rated capacity
50 p. s. i.
100 p.s.i.
20 inches Hg,
15 inches Hg.
Suction lift
Suction lift
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