| ![]() MIL-P-19131(SHIPS) The life test shall consist-of a run of 50 hours' continuous duration
using a mixture of 1 percent fuel oil and 99 percent fresh water, temperature
F., at rated discharge pressure of the "pump and with a suction lift of
5 inches mercury, at the maximum rated speed of pump under test (see
4:2.8.2 A comparison of the mechanical and volumetric efficiencies and the
capacity of the pump before and after the life test. shall be made to determine loss
in efficiencies and capacity due to the life test. If such comparison shows that the
efficiencies or capacity of the pump have not been excessively reduced in com-
parison, with other pumps of the type designed for the same service, and if the
wear on any parts indicates that it will not result in complete failure of the pump,
the unit will be considered suitable for use in Government service provided all
other requirements of this specification are complied with. If, however, during
the test, complete failure occurs for any reason, the unit will be rejected.
4.3 Performance acceptance tests. -
4.3.1 The driving unit shall be tested as required by the applicable specifica-
tions for motors.
4.3.2 One class 0-2 and N-2 pump of each size and design as selected by the
Government inspector, complete, including the turbine or the motor and controller,
and reduction gear, if any, shall be given a test to determine the overall power or
steam consumption of the unit under the conditions of the contract. This test may
be conducted at the shop of the main contractor or subcontractor as arranged with
the bureau or agency concerned. The test ordinarily shall be conducted at the same
time as, and shall include, the inclined operation requirements as specified for the
driving units; (see Specifications MIL-T- 17060 and MIL-M- 17413), For inclined
operation tests, the unit need not be fully loaded, but shall be run at maximum
operating speed and loaded sufficiently to prevent damage to the unit. The func-
tioning of the speed governors of turbine driven pumps shall be carefully observed
during these tests, and all adjustments that may be necessary to insure operation
satisfactory to the bureau or agency concerned at all normal speeds shall be made
before the units are accepted, The turbine governors shall function as specified
in Specification MIL- T- 17523. When pump pressure regulating governors are
specified, (see 6. 1) the foregoing test procedure shall apply also to this equipment.
In this test the ability of the pump to handle its rated capacity of specified liquid
at all specified viscosities and with maximum specified suction lift for the viscosity
of the liquid being handled shall be adequately demonstrated.
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