| ![]() MIL-P-19131(SHIPS)
5. 1 Preservation, packaging, packing and marking shall be in accordance
with Specification MIL-P- 16789 and as specified (see 6. 1).
5.2 When specified (see &1) onboard repair parts and tools shall be furnished
in onboard repair part boxes conforming to type M or type W of Specifica-
tion MIL-B-233. Type "W" boxes shall be fitted with nonmagnetic hardware
6.1 Ordering data. - Procurement documents should specify the following:
(a) Title, number, and date of this specification,
(b) Installation:
(1) Horizontal OR vertical mounting.
(2) If vertical, whether base mounted or table
(3) Size of the inlet and outlet connections or a
statement that these shall be as approved by
the bureau or agency concerned.
(4) Limits of length, width, and height for dis-
assembly of unit for normal maintenance
overhaul, if limits are required for partic-
ular installation.,
(5) A statement as to the location of inlet and out-
let connections.
(c) Pump characteristics:
(1) Rated capacity.
(2') Discharge pressure.
(3) Suction lift.
(4) Characteristics of liquid:
(a) Viscosities.
(b) Liquid temperatures.
(d) Type drive.
(e) Turbine characteristics (for turbine drive):
(1) Type of connection to driven unit.
(2) Steam conditions (pressure and temperature)
at the throttle and the maximum designed
boiler steam drum pressure of the installa-
tion for which the turbine is intended.
(3) Exhaust conditions (pressure or vacuum) at
turbine exhaust.
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