| ![]() MIL-P-21343(SHIPS)
4.2 Shop tests,-
4.2.1 Pumps shall withstand a hydrostatic test pressure of 1,000 pounds per square inch gage.
Small "weeps" of less than five drops per minute at gasketed joints during the hydrostatic test shall not
be cause for rejection of the pumps, No leakage is permissible at shut-off pressure.
4.2.2 Each pump, shall be tested in the shop of the manufacturer or contractor at designed maximum
operating speed by a continuous nonstop run of at least 30 minutes. This test shall be conducted in the
presence of the Government inspector, who shall check operation and smoothness of running. While
running at this speed the pump need not be loaded except as necessary to prevent injury.
4.2.3 Each completely assembled pumping unit shall be tested for airborne noise, structure-borne
vibration, and pump discharge pressure pulsations in accordance with the addendum to Purchase Specifi-
cations for Machinery - Noise and Vibration. This test shall be conducted in the presence of the Govern-
ment inspector at the plant of the manufacturer or the contractor. These tests may be made during the
30-minute test run specified in 4.2.2. Results of these tests shall be reported promptly to the Bureau of
Ships, Code 549.
4.3 Performance acceptance tests. -
4.3.1 It shall be the responsibility of the prime contractor to insure that tests required on assembled
units are made.
4.3.2 Motors and controllers shall be tested as required by the applicable equipment specification,
4.3.3 One pump of each type and size on the contract or order, as selected by the Government
inspector, complete with the motor and controller, shall be given a test to determine the overall power
consumption of the unit under the specified or guaranteed conditions. This test may be conducted in the
shop of the main contractor or subcontractor as arranged with the bureau or agency concerned. The
Bureau of Ships may consider waiver of overall power tests on pumps if identical units with identical
guarantees have been previously tested.
4.3.4 Performance acceptance tests shall ordinarily be conducted at the same time as, and shall
include, the reclined operation tests as specified for the driving unit. For inclined operation tests the
unit shall be run at maximum operating speed, but need not be fully loaded.
4.3.5 Performance acceptance tests shall adequately demonstrate the ability of the pump to handle
its rated capacity of specified liquid at the minimum suction head or maximum suction lift or vacuum, as
4.3.6 Sufficient data shall be taken during the tests to prepare pump characteristic curves as
specified in 4.3.7. In all cases the test data shall be corrected to the specified operating conditions as to
voltage, temperatures, specific gravity, suction head or lift, and vacuum, as set forth in the contract or
order, such conditions shall be clearly shown on the data sheets. Test data and curves shall be complete
over the entire range of capacities from shut-off to as near free delivery as possible.
4.3.7 The following test curves shall be supplied for constant speeds as required to obtain the ratings
specified (see 6.1):
total head.
pump efficiency.
brake horsepower.
electrical horsepower input.
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