| ![]() MIL-P-23504(Wep)
attached to the pump mounted electrical controls and grounded to the pump
assembly. The unattached end of the cable shall have a suitable polarized
male connector attached. The cable shall be stored on brackets on the
exterior of the pump enclosure.
Radio Interference Suppression: The vacuum pump components shall be
so constructed and shielded that radio interference generated during operation
shall not exceed the limits established in specification MIL-I-6181,
Vacuum Pump: The vacuum pump shall be a two stage, compound, rotary
type and shall be balanced to operate with minimum vibration. The pump shall
be equipped with a gas ballast valve and air stripping to permit rapid pump
oil drying and the ability to pump a high volume of condensibles. The vacuum
pump shall be designed so that all critical parts are aligned with dowels
and/or machined shoulders or pilots so that the pump can be assembled by semi-
skilled personnel unfamiliar with vacuum pump maintenance. All -shaft seals
shall be of inorganic materials suitable for extended life in the presence of
the pump lubricant, The pump shall be designed so that it can be disassembled
to the maximum practical amount for repair without disturbing critical
component relationships such as the rotor and pump body. Shaft seals shall
be replaceable from the pump exterior without further disassembly of the pump.
Pump Base: The vacuum pump and drive motor shall be mounted on a
sturdy steel channel base. The base shall be of sufficient thickness and
section to accurately position the pump and motor and shall prevent any stress
or distortion to the pump body due to cabinet base distortion and/or vibration.
Lubricant: The vacuum pump shall be capable of meeting the perform-
ance requirements specified herein when lubricated with commercial grade
vacuum pump oil having a total vapor pressure of less than 1 micron Hg at
The vacuum pump shall be designed so that it will operate, although
not necessarily in compliance with all absolute pressure requirements speci-
fied herein, for extended periods when lubricated with type 2 tricresyl
phosphate conforming to TT-T-656. The normal lubricant in field service shall
be type 2 tricresyl phosphate,
Lubricating System: The vacuum pump shall be provided with an auto-
matic lubrication system which will insure an adequate lubricant supply to all
parts requiring same under the operating conditions specified herein.
Cooling: The pump shall be air cooled and capable of maintaining
proper operating temperature during operation in all environmental conditions
specified in section 3.6.3. No auxiliary cooling system shall be permitted.
Separator: The vacuum pump shall incorporate features designed to
effectively recover the lubrication fluid from the exhaust gases, separate
condensible vapors from the lubricating fluid, and provide for discharging
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