| ![]() MIL-P-23504(Wep)
Pressures in the range from 1 to 100 mm Hg absolute shall be
measured with closed-type manometers providing readings independent of pre-
vailing barometric conditions.
Absolute pressures below 1 mm Hg shall be measured by the use of
suitably calibrated instruments designed to read total pressures (including
both permanent gases and condensable vapors). A certificate of instrument
calibration to show compliance with 4.3.3 through shall be included
as part of the test report specified in paragraph 4.5.2.
Barometric pressures shall be measured by means of a properly
calibrated mercurial or aneroid barometer.
Temperatures: Temperatures shall be measured by means of
-appropriately located thermometers or thermocouples used with suitably cali-
brated potentionometers. Temperatures shall be expressed in degrees Fahren-
Airflow for free air displacement tests shall be measured with
standardized nozzles or orifices as prescribed in ASME Code 19.5:4. The rate
of airflow shall be reported in terms of the actual volume occupied under the
existing ambient conditions.
When conducting tests to determine the pumping capacity under
vacuum conditions, airflow into the evacuated container (if applicable) shall
be measured by a method for which an error of less than 1 percent can be dem-
onstrated. The rate of airflow under such conditions shall be reported in
terms of the actual volume it would occupy under the pressure and temperature
conditions existing in the evacuated container.
Revolutions per Minute: Whenever practicable, rotational speed
shall be determined by means of a directly coupled positive counter which
will actually count the revolutions for a period of not less than 1 minute.
A combination unit which counts the revolutions while measuring the time re-
quired is preferred. Strobotachometers may be used provided calibration data
can be furnished to attest to their accuracy. The use of-hand tachometers
shall not be acceptable.
Data on absolute pressures measured in the range from 0 to 10
microns Hg shall be accurate to with 2 microns Hg.
Data on absolute pressures measured in the range from 10 microns
Hg to 50 microns Hg shall be accurate to within 5 microns Hg.
Data on absolute pressure measured in the range from 50 microns
Hg to 100 microns Hg shall be accurate to within 10 microns Hg.
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