| ![]() MIL-P-23504(Wep)
The barometric pressure and temperature of the ambient air shall
be recorded at intervals not to exceed 1 hour in performance checks and
other short duration runs, and at intervals not to exceed 4 hours in endur-
ance test runs,
The following operational data shall be recorded at intervals not
to exceed 1 hour throughout the endurance test operational runs:
(a) Vacuum pump speed, rpm
(b) Absolute pressure of air or other gases entering the pump inlet,
mm Hg or microns Hg, as applicable
(c) Temperature of air or other gases entering the pump inlet,
degrees Fahrenheit.
Lubricant consumption data shall be reported at intervals not to
exceed 24 hours in endurance test runs. Lubricant consumption shall be re-
ported in terms of quarts consumed per hour of operation.
Operating Limits
Ambient Temperature: Insofar as practical, performance and endur-
ante testing shall be conducted within ambient temperature limits of from
50 to 100F.
Vacuum Pump Speed: The vacuum pump speed shall be maintained within
percent of that recommended by the manufacturer.
Test Time: Intervals of endurance test time less than one complete
24-hour operational period terminated by a parts failure shall not be
credited to the endurance test. Endurance test time shall be credited in
24-hour increments.
Running-In: The nature and extent of running-in shall be determ-
ined by the manufacturer. All necessary adjustments other than normal con-
trol adjustments shall be made during this run and shall remain undisturbed
Test Methods
Examination of Product: The vacuum pump shall be inspected to de-
termine compliance with the requirements specified herein with the respect
to materials, workmanship, dimensions and marking.
Mechanical Inspection: A mechanical inspection shall be made of
all components and parts of the vacuum pump, All pertinent data concerning
conditions, defects of manufacture, damage in transit, and damage through
use prior to test shall be recorded.
Functional Check: All mechanical parts of the vacuum pump shall
be carefully checked for free and proper functioning.
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