| ![]() MIL-P-26366A
F IGURE 1. Temperature range vs. altitude.
endurance limits for the maximum design "Aq"
be that necessary to limit transients in engine
condition anticipated for the aircraft, and the
speeds to acceptable amounts.
3.4.12 Maximum diameter. The maximum
design "Aq" shall be specified in the model
diameter of the propreller(s) shall be specified
in the model specification.
3.4.17 Blade activity factor. The blade ac-
3.4.13 Position. The type of installation
tivity factor shall be specified in the model
of the mounted propeller shall be specified in
the model specification.
3.4.18 Polar moment of inertia. The polar
3.4.14 Rotation. The direction of propeller
moment of inertia shall be specified in the model
rotation as viewed from the rear of the aircraft,
whether the drive is single or dual rotation, shall
3.4.19. Sound pressure fields. The propel-
be specified in the model specificaiton.
ler manufacturer shall furnish the procuring
3.4.15. Number of blades. The number of
activity the estimated around pressure field gen-
blades of the propeller, whether the construc-
erated by the propeller throughout the range of
tion is of fixed or removable blade configura-
operating conditions.
tion, shall be specified in the model specification.
3 . 5 Materials and processes. Materials
3.4.16 Design Aq. The propeller shall be
and processes used in the manufacture of air-
free of stress in excess of appropriate material
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