| ![]() MIL-P-26366A
(e) List of illustrations (provide figure
propeller manufacturer may desire
numbers and captions of all illustra-
to take during the test need not be
tions). Photographs, charts, and
(8) Description of the condition of the
graphs should be treated as illustra-
tions and given figure numbers. When
propeller or components at dis-
assembly inspection.
used in a separate series, tables should
be given Roman numerals. (Examp-
(9) Conclusions and recommendations,
with respect to approval of the pro-
les: figure 1, figure 2, etc.; table I,
table II, etc.).
peller or components tests, supple-
mented by such discussion as is
(f) Summary (a brief resume of the test
conducted, including objective, pro-
necessary for their justification.
3.43.2 Summary report. Following comple-
cedure, results, conclusions, and recom-
tion of all the tests specified herein, a final re-
port shall be prepared which will constitute a
(g) Body of the report:
(1) Brief general description of the pro-
record of all information pertaining to the tests.
This report will normally be used as a basis for
peller or of the component(s) and a
qualification approval of the complete propeller.
detailed description of all features
which differ from the previous
This report shall contain essentially the follow-
ing items:
model, if applicable.
(a) Cover (title of report, number of the
(2) If approval is being requested, with-
report, source of report, date, security
out test, based on similarity to a com-
ponent or assembly for which pre-
(b) Title page (title of report, number of
vious test approval was obtained, any
report, source of report, date, name
physical or functional dissimilari-
of author(s), contract number).
ties or differences in testing require-
(c) Abstract (a brief statement of the con-
ments with respect to the tested
tents of the report} including the objec-
component and reference to the ap-
proved component test report shall
(d) Table of contents.
be included.
(e) Summary (a brief resume and sum-
(3) Method of test (general descrip-
mary of each of the tests conducted,
tion of test facility, equipment, and
giving the title of each test, test report
methods used in conducting the
number, the item tested, dates of test-
ing, and a general statement of the
(4) Record of test (chronological his-
tory of all events in connection with
(f) Conclusions and recommendations.
all of the testing).
3.43.3 Number and distribution of copies.
(5) Analysis of results (a complete dis-
When the qualification tests are conducted at
cussion of all phases of the test, such
the contractor's plant for approval of a new type
as probable reason for failure and
or model, the number of copies and distribution
unusual wear, comparison in per-
shall be as specified in the contractor order.
formance with previous models, and
analysis of general operation).
(6) Calibration data including accept-
ante limits. (Data in corrected form
4.1 Inspection responsibility. The sup-
shall be shown by suitable curves.)
plier is responsible for the performance of all
(7) Tabulated data of all pertinent in-
inspection requirements as specified herein. Ex-
strument readings and all required
cept as otherwise specified, the supplier may
instrument readings taken during the
utilize his own or any other inspection facilities
test. Extraneous readings which the
and services acceptable to the Government. In-
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