| ![]() MIL-P-26366A
(b) During climb, starting with a stabi-
position. The flight survey shall be conducted
l i z e d level flight and proceeding
utilizing four strain gage groups. A survey
through the climb range until the air-
shall be made of flight operation which shall
speed is reduced to the minimum per-
consist of obtaining all necessary stress meas-
missible (or safe) indicated airspeed.
urements from three designated strain gage
(c) During each turn maneuver including
groups during the performance of conditions 13
the point of maximum "g" loading.
through 24, 25 through 38, 39 through 47, 48
(d) During the two times the pull of
through 54, 55 through 65, and 72 through 73,
as specified on figures 19a and 19b. The survey
gravity pull-up maneuver.
(e) During yaws from yaw trim through
shall be conducted at three gross weights; maxi-
the desired angle and recovery.
mum permissible gross weight, medium gross
weight, and minimum gross weight for the spe-
( f ) During low speed to maximum indi-
cified aircraft. While conducting the following
cated airspeed, holding maximum
flight conditions, as applicable, a continuous
allowable power on shallow dive with
oscillograph recording shall be taken:
100 percent flaps.
(a) During takeoff, starting when the
(g) During high speed dives.
power lever (s) is advanced, and con-
(h) During negative braking condition,
tinuing until the aircraft is in a stabi-
from positive thrust operation to the
maximum reverse thrust condition.
lized climb.
FIGURE l9a. Summary of test requirements
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